Tribe discovered: Mochileros - South American backpackers travelling mostly in groups on the thinnest shoestring ever. Distinguishing attribute: run-down backpack, tent, guitar, mate set and
juggling stuff
Phenomena discovered: Mate culture – mostly in Argentina. Distinguishing attribute: a mate cup in the hand and a thermos jug in the elbow
Favorite jobs: Human call box (Sonam) & street math teacher (Michi)
Approx. time spent in busses or bus stations: 8 days
Shopping Paradises: La Paz & Cusco
Most useless currency: Argentinean Pesos – value drops up to half outside the country, so get rid of it in Argentina itself!
Biggest Challenge: Hot/Cold Water Regulation
Most wanted in a room: trash bins, plugs and wi-fi
Best showers: Chile
Positive surprise: No bed bugs in any room
Best bakeries: In Buenos Aires
Best meat: In Brazil
Best breakfast: In Brazil
Best Italian food: In Bolivia (way better pasta sauces and pizzas than in the US)
Best food discoveries: Licuados & peanuts covered with sugar and sesame
Biggest refusal: Guinea pigs in Peru (served with head and legs)
Empanadas (including pasteis, tortillias, etc) eaten: too many