Early in our planning phase it became clear that we want to stop in Bali and stay again in a surf camp. The Balicamp provided great food, accommodation and surfing the last time, so we wanted to stay there again. Since the last time they moved from a youth camp looking site to a villa, which was fine with us. Ideal to relax and make plans for our South-East Asia journey.

Surfing turned out to be a lot less relaxing than chilling at the villa. Somehow I always forget how freaking exhausting surfing can be and just keep remembering my dream of being a real cool, tanned, shaped surfer babe. Well, the reality is always little different. After not having surfed for over 2 years and not having exercised for the last few months, surfing was quite hard. Not only our conditions were not perfect, also the waves were quite big and choppy. Hearing “Shit”, “Paddle out” and “Dive” within a short period of time, is never a good sign. The bigger the waves the more I noticed that I am actually afraid of big waves and scared of being to far out in the ocean. We gave our best and tried to surf as good as we can. Unfortunately this was not much and at the second day Michi remembered that he actually hates surfing…
Despite all the paddling, the getting washed and the constant pain, the week was fun and we learnt a lot. The coaches always tried to push us to the next level and helped us constantly catching waves. Getting pushed into a wave is actually cheating but it is just a great feeling riding a wave, not matter how you got into it. Unfortunately Michi had a crash with an idiot in a wave and got his back hurt on day 4. We hope that he recovers enough to go diving next week, much more relaxing.
PS: Surf video in the video section.
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