Our next bus adventure started even before the bus departed, namely with buying the tickets. First we tried to pay with visa, since we did not have many Pesos left. Despite all the tourists, visa payments at bus companies are not possible. Additionally we read that you have to change the bus in Puno and often the new bus is not at all what you paid for in Copacabana. Accordingly we were looking for an honest bus company.
Copacabana to Puno to Cusco OR the Tourist Trap

The first part of our journey was surprisingly relaxed. After 10 minutes you reach the Bolivian-Peruvian boarder and in a few moments you get your stamps and can wait in Peru for the bus to cross the boarder with your luggage.
We bought a semi-cama bus and the girl in Copacabana showed us a picture of the bus and told us that we had to wait in Puno 3 hours. Well, we did not pick an honest company. When arriving in Puno we followed a guy yelling "Cusco" all the time. At a booth they gave us new tickets and told us to hurry, as the bus would leave in a few minutes. It was the shittiest bus you can imagine; old, dirty, filthy, and no toilets. Looking at the local passengers, it was also one of the cheapest. Good for us that we did not buy the more expensive cama tickets. During the ride it started to rain and it turned out that the roof was not sealed. Luckily it did not rain on our seats (had that already and it is not funny). Seven hours and a few strange stops later we arrived in Cusco, caught an extra-expensive taxi and got a good night’s sleep.
Summary: Buy a ticket to Puno and from there one to Cusco. Take your time there to choose the bus company, as 7 hour can be a long time.

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