1500 kilometers further we finally reached Calgary, famous for cowboys, oil and the Olympics. We went straight to Calgary and decided to skip Winnipeg after watching a Lonely Planet report on youtube. Honestly, would you visit Winnipeg after viewing this?
Luckily for Winnipeg so far less than 150 people saw it.
Back to Calgary, although it is the 3rd largest city of Canada it seems cozy. Maybe because the downtown area is relatively small and there are not so many things to visit. The mix of people is special, builders, hikers, casual business people and others hard to define. The result was that in a weird way we had the feeling that with our travelers’ wardrobe we fit right into it.
1988, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Vreni Schneider, Peter Müller, Maria Walliser, Paul Accola…those were the days when Switzerland ranked 3rd in the Olympic medal table. A Swiss guy even won in the Nordic Combination! Ever heard of Hippolyt Kempf? We went to see the place where these events happened, the Olympic Park in Calgary. Few minutes outside of the town on a, for Swiss standards small, hill there is a sports park with jumps, bobsleigh runs and few ski slopes. Although you could not see a lot more than dirt it was really cool to be there once.
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